Friday, April 8, 2011

Our Week in Review - Simile, Wright Brothers, & Revolutionary War

Here's what Mj did this week!

Bible: We took a break from our curriculum and will be back in it next week for our Easter unit.

English: Mj learned about simile.  He wrote a paragraph describing an orange.

 Mj's simile - The train is as fast as a car.

Reading: Mj read a story about the Wright brothers.

Mj made a paper airplane and tested it out.
Math: Mj started a unit on metric measurement.  He learned about Celsius, liters, grams, and kilograms.

Heritage Studies: Mj has been learning about the Revolutionary War and is loving it!  We talked about some battles, Valley Forge, Benedict Arnold, and the Declaration of Independence. 

Mj also learned about the evolution of the American Flag.
Science: Mj learned about populations and communities.  We discussed why it would be hard to count an animal population and how we count a people population.

Life School:

We were able to enjoy one day this week of spring-like weather!

Mj helped his Daddy paint Jadyn and Gabe's room.  We're almost ready to put the house up for sale.

It's hitting me how soon we will be moving to Miami.  Last night I filled out Mj's registration for school in the fall.  It was a bittersweet feeling.  I'm excited for all the opportunities he will have at the school and am thankful for a Godly school we can put him in for free PTL!!  But I'm going to miss having him with me during the day.  I know that this is God's perfect will for our family, and I need to keep reminding myself of that.  I'm also so grateful for the years I've been able to homeschool him.  Although it was never my first choice, I've learned a lot during this 3 year experience and am excited to continue to homeschool my tots at home! ;)


Melissa N. said...

Hi Tiff, not sure if you noticed, but you were the winner of the Cupcake Wrappers on my giveaway on the blog! Please email me your address and name so I can get them right out! Congrats!

The Joys of Home Educating


MommyKuehner said...

New follower from weird, unsocialized blog hop. How exciting to start a new chapter in life. May God be with you on your new venture.

Check out our mayheim at

Have a great week

Shell said...

Wow, but for free? That's awesome! A change, but a good opportunity!

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