Friday, August 17, 2012

Preschool Corner - A, Circles, and Red

Jadyn was so excited to start school up again once her big brother Mj started school this week!  I love seeing her enthusiasm to do school and learn.  She loves to do work books and crafts and coloring pages.  She's very easy to please!  Here's our week in pictures.

Working hard on her "red" paper.

She had to find a circle.
Tracing circles.
I love this app "The ABC's of God".  She worked on the letter "A".  Her little brother Gabe decided to check it out, too.
So proud of her apple craft and her school box she got on Sunday in Sunday School.
"This is hard work!"
Tracing and writing "A"
Circle the things that are small, color the things that are big.
Matching Big A and little A
Sequencing with apples and trees.
Jadyn loves to water our new hibiscus plants.  One of her new chores.
An experiment she made up on her own.  What happens to the water in the bucket if they put sidewalk chalk in it.  They played this for an hour!
I got some of my printables from Confessions of a Homeschooler.  Be sure to check out Homeschool Creations for other preschool blogs!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like a lot of Pre-K fun!

The apple is darling!

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