Friday, January 11, 2013

Back to Preschool

 It was great to back to our regular schedule after Christmas break.  Jadyn was excited to get back to her school work and was very disappointed when I was too sick Wednesday and Thursday to do any school with her. Here's our week in pictures.

Working very hard on letter "g".

Reviewing letter "e".  She keeps calling "e" "c".  Any tips to help with that?
And learning "r"
Coloring 10 bananas and writing the number 10.
We talked about winter and snow.  She still remembers all the snow we would get in Pennsylvania.  She keeps asking when it will snow in Miami..... I'm so thankful that we had snow over Christmas when we visited Pennsylvania. =)
Memorizing the nursery rhyme "Hey Diddle Diddle."
Playing Blokus with MJ when he was home sick from school.
We're trying to teach Gabe how to play Candyland.  Jadyn needs some practice on patience while teaching. LOL

1 comment:

MommytheTeacher said...

Someone may offer "real" help with the c and e situation but I will say not to worry about it. She will get it. My 7 year old used to say tion-lo. The word was lotion! But some reason she heard it backwards. That may be a little different from mislabeling a letter (not to me) but I was a little worried for a moment and like most things I worried about with that just went away one day and now lotion is lotion. :)

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