Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Job Turns 1!!

I seriously cannot believe how fast this year has gone! Job is 1 today and adds so much happiness to our family!  We had so much fun waiting for him to wake up so we could serenade him at the top of our lungs with the "Happy Birthday" song! He was a little confused, but we had fun singing to him!
I can't believe it's been a year since I was laying in the pre-op room scared to death to have my first C-section.  I was so nervous about the whole thing and thinking about the recovery with 4 kids! Praise God we all survived and all that remains is a beautiful baby boy and a scar. And thank God for wonderful friends, an amazing husband, and sister-in-law who helped with my recovery!
Job is all boy!  He is always on the go.  He's not walking on his own yet, but he sure can walk with the help of walking toy or a brother or sister. Yesterday, I noticed him trying to climb up on the sofa and out of the bathtub.  I have to keep my eyes on him at all times!
Job loves playing peek-a-boo.  He loves for us to laugh at him!  He has quite the sense of humor already.
Job has such a big smile and gets so excited to see me or my husband!  There's nothing sweeter than to walk into the room and see him crawl as fast as he can to you and look at you and raise his arms!  He melts my heart!
I have been thinking a lot about the significance of his birthday.  September 11 & 13 are two of the hardest days.  On September 11, 2001 not only was I wrapping my brain around the horrors of what had happened in our country, but I didn't realize on that day that I would say good-bye to my mom for the last time as she was wheeled out of her house by ambulance to head to Pittsburgh.  We knew my dad couldn't take her out there himself, because she was so sick that day.  She passed away 2 days later.  So this time of year is usually very difficult reliving those memories that I have.  But God in His grace and goodness has given me something happy on this date - my precious baby Job!  I am in awe of God's goodness!  I was even thinking today about the fact that my due date was September 15 and I was late delivering my 3 kids so I never thought about the all these dates coinciding.  But God planned for me to have an ultrasound on Sept 10 last year and for the results to show that Job was a big baby, too big to safely deliver on my own. So my doctor scheduled a C-section for Sept. 11.  God had His hand in all of this.  I am overwhelmed at the joy He has given me to be able to celebrate Job's birthday!
And one more picture, just because I can't get enough of this cutie patutie!
Happy 1st Birthday Job! I am honored to be your mom!  I pray that you will accept God's gift of salvation to you at an early age and that you will yearn to have a strong relationship with Jesus.  He loves you so much and wants you to have a relationship with him!

We love you Job Michael!

1 comment:

Dawn Martinez said...

GOD IS SO GOOD!!! Your children are blessed with wonderful, God-loving parents & loved ones. :)

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