Friday, November 21, 2014

A Busy But Fun Week

Weekly Wrap-Up
This week has flown by.  Maybe cause we had so much going on, and I know the busyness will only get worse until the new year.  Oh well, one perk to homeschooling is that we can take it easy when life around us gets so busy.  Here's what our week looked like.
Mj - 6th Grade
English: Mj wrote a paper on how to make a Halloween mask.
Math: Geometry shapes, angles, circles. 
Science: Mj finished up his chapter on animal classification.  He has learned a lot of cool facts about God's creation.  Each animal is truly amazing!
History: Mj finished up his chapter on ancient India.
Co-op: Tuesday finished up our enrichment classes til the new year.  I was able to snap a quick pic of Mj in his Tae Kwon Do class.
Jadyn - 1st Grade
Phonics & English: Jadyn has been reviewing long vowel sounds and adding suffixes "-ing" and "-ed" to a short vowel word and a long vowel word.
Math: Fractions
Spelling: Spelling is difficult, but when we make it hands-on this girl is amazing. This week I pulled out the play dough and alphabet stamps.
Science: Jadyn learned about fire safety this week.
History: Jadyn is learning about states.  She learned that states have famous places.  We talked about the Golden Gate bridge in California, the Statue of Liberty in New York, the Liberty Bell in Pennsylvania, and Mount Rushmore in South Dakota.
Co-op: Jadyn made an Eye of God in her American Girl class.
Her Elementary Explorers group also had a field trip yesterday to the police station.
Gabe - Preschool
Gabe learned about the letter "N" this week and we had some fun with some Thanksgiving activities.

Matching big "N" and little "n" 
Color matching game.
 Getting some help from MJ to get the nests in order by number of eggs. 
Matching fall shapes and shadows. 
Some Thanksgiving items to sort.
Job - Totschool
Job has not been all about school, but every once in awhile I'll catch him coloring with Gabe. I'm glad he plays pretty well by himself so that I can get school done with the older kids while he is happily playing with trains or cars.  My house is usually a wreck after he's done playing, but I know he's having fun!
The kids packed their Operation Christmas Child boxes and dropped them off this week. We had fun picking out toys and thinking about the fun the children would have playing with some new toys. We prayed over each box and are praying each day for the 3 boys and 1 girl that will be receiving these boxes that they would receive the gospel and understand God's love for them!
Read-aloud time with Daddy.  One of their favorite times of day! 
Check out other homeschool blogs at Weird Unsocialized Homeschoolers. 


~Leslie said...

Busy weeks always go by quickly.
Sounds like you everyone got through a lot during this one.
Passing by via Weekly Wrap-Up.
Have a good weekend.

grtlyblesd said...

Looks like lots of fun! :) I like anything that makes spelling less painful.

As He Leads is Joy said...

Looks like a fun week. Your daughter looks like she is enjoying the play-doh. That is a great idea. I might have to try that with my daughter.

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